2014年12月9日 星期二

Freescale對Android 4.4 bluetooth with USB support的態度

最新: https://community.freescale.com/thread/336813


Sorry, For USB HCI, it should be considered by Google. It is only for UART HCI now. We don't focus on this.

Woogeun Shin 2014/2/3 上午 3:44

Hi Sandesh and Chris,

I've also tried to use USB Bluetooth dongle with JB4.2.2 and IMX6 Sagbresd board.
In my case, i use libusb library to access USB Bluetooth device. .
I did reference below link to do that.
ac100 - Bluedroid 4.2 battle

I can create SCO link between USB Bluetooth device and USB headset.
But i don't know how to send traffic this SCO link.

If you have any progress about SCO issue, could you share that in here?


