By downloading Intel® OpenVINO you agree to the terms and conditions stated in the Intel Simplified Software License.
NOTE: Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL™ is not a part of OpenVINO™ APT distribution. You can install it from the Intel® Graphics Compute Runtime for OpenCL™ GitHub repo.
Set up the Repository
Install the GPG key for the repository
- Download the public key from and save it to a file.
- Add this key to the system keyring:sudo apt-key add <PATH_TO_DOWNLOADED_GPG_KEY>
- Check the list of APT keys running the following command:sudo apt-key list
Add the APT Repository
- Navigate to the repositories directory:cd /etc/apt/sources.list.d
- Create a new source list file:sudo vi intel-openvino-2020.list
- Add the following code:deb all main
- Save and close the file
Update the list of packages
Run the
sudo apt update
There are full release Runtime and Developer packages, and also some available components.
Runtime Packages
- Ubuntu 18.04:
- Ubuntu 16.04:
Developer Packages
- Ubuntu 18.04:
- Ubuntu 16.04:
Get the list of available packages
Run the
command to see a list of all available OpenVINO packages and components:
apt-cache search openvino
- Runtime PackagesOn Ubuntu 18.04:sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18On Ubuntu 16.04:sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu16
- Developer PackagesOn Ubuntu 18.04:sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu18On Ubuntu 16.04:sudo apt-cache search intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu16
Install the runtime or developer packages using the APT Package Manager
Intel® OpenVINO will be installed in:
A symlink will be created:
To Install a specific version
To get a list of OpenVINO packages available for installation:
sudo apt-get search intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18
To install a specific version of an OpenVINO package:
sudo apt install intel-openvino-<PACKAGE_TYPE>-ubuntu<OS_VERSION>-<VERSION>.<UPDATE>.<BUILD_NUM>
- Runtime PackageOn Ubuntu 18.04:sudo apt install intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu18-2020.1.023On Ubuntu 16.04:sudo apt install intel-openvino-runtime-ubuntu16-2020.1.023
- Developer Package
On Ubuntu 18.04:sudo apt install intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu16-2020.1.023sudo apt install intel-openvino-dev-ubuntu18-2020.1.023
To Uninstall a specific version
To uninstall a specific full runtime package:
sudo apt autoremove intel-openvino-<PACKAGE_TYPE>-ubuntu<OS_VERSION>-<VERSION>.<UPDATE>.<BUILD_NUM>
Additional Resources
- Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit home page:
- OpenVINO™ toolkit online documentation:
- Model Optimizer Developer Guide.
- Inference Engine Developer Guide
- For more information on Sample Applications, see the Inference Engine Samples Overview.
- For information on Inference Engine Tutorials, see the Inference Tutorials.
- For IoT Libraries & Code Samples see the Intel® IoT Developer Kit.