Adding a new Kernel
This topic provides the commands to use to replace the kernel after U-Boot has
been flashed as the default boot loader.
To replace the kernel in systems that boot from internal eMMC
1. Boot the Jetson TK1 system and log in.
2. Copy the new kernel files (using scp) into the /boot directory.
3. Re-boot the Jetson TK1 system.
To replace the kernel in systems that boot from an SD Card or USB Pen Drive
1. Connect the SD Card or USB Pen Drive to your host system.
2. Copy the new kernel files to a /boot directory on the SD Card or USB Pen
3. Disconnect the SD Card or USB Pen Drive from the host system.
4. Connect the SD Card or USB Pen Drive to the Jetson TK1 system.
5. Re-boot the Jetson TK1 system.
To flash new U-Boot only
· To flash the new U-Boot only, execute the following:
$ sudo ./ –k EBT <target_board> mmcblk0p1
Where <target_board> is “jetson-tk1” for Jetson TK1.