2016年4月14日 星期四

Nvidia Linux driver package quick start


The information here is intended to help you quickly get started using
NVIDIA Tegra Linux Driver package (L4T).


- You have an NVIDIA Jetson TX1 Developer Kit, equipped with the Jetson TX1 module.
- You have a host machine that is running Linux.
- Your developer system is cabled as follows:
  - USB Micro-A cable connecting Jetson TX1 carrier board (USB0) to your Linux host
    for flashing.
  - (Not included in the developer kit) To connect USB peripherals such as keyboard and
    mouse, a USB hub should be connected to the USB port (USB1) on the Jetson TX1
    carrier board.
- The following directions will create a 14 GB partition on the eMMC device (internal storage)
  and will flash the root file system to that location.
- If you would like to have network access on your target (e.g., for installing
  additional packages), ensure an Ethernet cable is attached to the Jetson TX1 carrier board.


1. Download the latest L4T release package for your developer system and the
   sample file system from https://developer.nvidia.com/linux-tegra

   If NVIDIA does not yet provide public release for the developer system you have,
   please contact your NVIDIA support representative to obtain the latest L4T release
   package for use with the developer board.

2. Untar the files and assemble the rootfs:

   sudo tar xpf Tegra210_Linux_R23.2.0_armhf.tbz2
   cd Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs/
   sudo tar xpf ../../Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R23.2.0_armhf.tbz2
   cd ../
   sudo ./apply_binaries.sh

3. Flash the rootfs onto the system's internal eMMC.

   a) Put your system into "reset recovery mode" by holding down the REC (S3)
      button and press the RST (S1) button once on the carrier board.
   b) Ensure your Linux host system is connected to the carrier board through the
      USB Micro-A cable.
      The flashing command is:

        sudo ./flash.sh jetson-tx1 mmcblk0p1

      This will take several minutes.

4. The target will automatically reboot upon completion of the flash. You now have Linux
   running on your developer system. Depending on the sample file system used, you will
   see one of the following on the screen:

   - The Ubuntu graphical desktop.
   - The command prompt. Log in as user login:ubuntu and  password:ubuntu.
     See step 5 if you wish to configure the graphical desktop on your setup.

5. Installing the graphical desktop on your target board (if not already installed):

   a) Connect Ethernet to target via the RJ45 connector.

   b) Acquire an IP address:

      sudo dhclient <interface>

      where <interface> is eth0.

   c) Check to see if Ethernet is up and running. You should see an IP address
      associated with eth0.

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

   d) Reboot and the system will boot to the graphical desktop.

   NOTE: the above steps can be used to install other packages with "sudo apt-get install".

Please refer to the release notes provided with your software for up-to-date information
on platform features and use.

