or Electronic Paper Display Controller
IPU:Image Processing Unit [in Freescale]
與Camera, Display相關
VPU:Video Processing Unit [in Freescale]
與視頻播放相關,包括HW codec跟視頻後處理等
VPU is a high performance multi-standard video codec IP that can
perform the H. 264 BP/MP/HP, VC-1 SP/MP/AP, MPEG-4 SP/ASP,
DIVX, MPEG-1/2, RV-8/9/10, and MJPEG decoding and encoding.
GPU:graphics Processing Unit [in Freescale]
與 OpenGL 相關
與 OpenVG 相關
OpenVG(矢量图形算法标准)是一個矢量图形算法库,由Khronos组织开发和管理,与OpenGL有类似的特点,例如跨平台的应用编程接口、支援显示硬件等。但它针对对象和平台便不同了,OpenVG主要针对2D矢量图像如 Flash和SVG 的绘制,而平台方面大多支援智能手机平台、家用游戏和多谋体平台PS3等。
LDB:LVDS Display Bridge
LVDS:Low-Voltage Differential Signal, 低電壓差分訊號, 是一種電子訊號系統
Poky is a reference system of the Yocto Project - a collection of Yocto Project tools and metadata that serves as a set of working examples. To use the Yocto Project tools, you can download Poky and use it to bootstrap your own distribution.
Poky is the platform-independent, cross-compiling integration layer that utilizes OpenEmbedded Core. It provides the mechanism to build and combine thousands of distributed open source projects together to form a fully customizable, complete, coherent Linux software stack.
Poky's objective is to provide all the features and functionalities an embedded developer needs from one solution.
~ https://www.yoctoproject.org/tools-resources/projects/poky
SIMM socket -- single in-line memory module (pic: http://goo.gl/KmznI9)
有30pin 72pin 或是其他特定腳位 ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMM
SDIO ref: http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/embedded/SDIO
Poky is the platform-independent, cross-compiling integration layer that utilizes OpenEmbedded Core. It provides the mechanism to build and combine thousands of distributed open source projects together to form a fully customizable, complete, coherent Linux software stack.
Poky's objective is to provide all the features and functionalities an embedded developer needs from one solution.
~ https://www.yoctoproject.org/tools-resources/projects/poky
SIMM socket -- single in-line memory module (pic: http://goo.gl/KmznI9)
有30pin 72pin 或是其他特定腳位 ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMM
SDIO ref: http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/embedded/SDIO
- SD/MMC, Secure Digital縮寫SD,全名Secure Digital Memory Card
- SD 是一種 flash memory card 的標準,也就是一般常見的 SD 記憶卡,而 MMC 則是較早的一種記憶卡標準,目前已經被 SD 標準所取代.
- SD 本來是記憶卡的標準,但是現在也可以把 SD 拿來插上一些週邊介面使用,這樣的技術便是 SDIO。
- 透過 SD 的 I/O 接腳來連接外部週邊,並且透過 SD 上的 I/O 資料接位與這些週邊傳輸資料
- Host devices that support SDIO can use the SD slot to support:
- GPS receivers.
- digital cameras.
- RFID readers.
- FM radio tuners.
- TV tuners.
- Wi-Fi.
- Bluetooth.
Camera with SDIO http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/sdio1.png
UPIO : user-programmable Input/Output ? user controller parallel Input/Output
UPIO : user-programmable Input/Output ? user controller parallel Input/Output
DBI : Display Bus Interface
DPI : Display Pixel Interface
DSI : Display Serial Interface
Android Interface Definition Language